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Our Community Section One

Our Community

CDW celebrates and promotes a diverse and inclusive community. For CDW, inclusion means a variety of choices. We are committed to leading an environment of inclusion for people of all backgrounds, race, gender, age, religion, abilities, education, beliefs and sexual orientation. The only commonalities we ask for is a solid work ethic, strong skills, a belief in opportunity for all and an appetite to win!

We recognise that coworker engagement is critical to our success. To support and promote coworker enjoyment, CDW’s fast pace activity based working environment is enabled through open spaces, breakout areas to encourage creativity, and cross-functional collaboration to aid a coworker’s development. CDW’s community celebrate coworkers, whether through internal recognition such as the Going the Extra Mile (GEM) awards, Coworker of the Quarter, during our annual Kick Off event, or through external recognition via CRN or Vendor awards.

It is important that we celebrate our diverse culture as well as celebrating our community. We strive to offer something for everyone as inclusion, to us, means a variety of choices. Whether it is charitable fundraising challenges, volunteering opportunities, fitness offerings, quizzes or informative webinars from leading professionals; we are confident we have something for all our CDW members.


Community Section 2

We work to build a better tomorrow by investing in the success of our customers, coworkers and communities.


Health & Wellness

CoWorker Flexability Wellbeing Professional Development

Health & Wellness

At CDW, it is important to us that the benefits we offer are designed to support you in reaching the optimal balance; making for happy and healthy coworkers.

Flexibility is important to all and we do our best to provide access to tools and technology so you can be successful at work and home.

Your wellbeing is supported by access to various options including, but not limited to; gym memberships, employee assistance lines, private medical insurance, and ride to work scheme.

For your professional development, CDW’s Leadership & Management and Coworker Development Programmes, enable you to achieve recognised qualifications.


Inclusion & Diversity

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Our Business Resource Groups (BRGs) are the foundation to our community. Each group play a pivotal role in promoting inclusion and belonging whilst also providing professional development, informal mentoring and networking opportunities to its members.

The core principles of CDW’s BRGs are to champion the following focus areas:

  • Provide an additional connection and place of support to existing and new coworkers
  • Foster a strong internal community
  • Strengthen CDW community’s stance on pertinent issues and topics
  • Cultivate equality and support the inclusion and advancement of all individuals
  • Create impactful partnerships to support the external education of individuals
  • Promote the resource group brand, maintaining transparency and openness to the inclusion for all

Community Section 4

Black Coworker Network


BCN aims to help coworkers to recognise and challenge conscious and unconscious bias for all coworkers, by creating an espoused culture of diversity, inclusivity and equality; actively having an awareness of how to enrich and promote race equality and diversity in our community.

We want to give ethnic minorITies a voice that can be heard, will be listened to and also acted on.

Pride Network


Our mission is to be Diverse, Inclusive, Accepting and Welcoming in our PRIDE+ group, whilst providing a safe space for all coworkers in our community.

We strive to support and educate coworkers on the challenges faced in the LGBTQI+ community and ensure people feel safe and proud to work for a diverse organization such as CDW. Overall Love and EqualITy Wins!

Women In Tech


WIN is an evolving and inclusive platform for ALL coworkers.

We are committed to building a community which promotes equality, agilITy and personal development.

Our vision is to establish a community and culture that promotes equality and supports women in their progression both personally and professionally.


Community Section 5

Armed Forces Network Group


AFN promotes and recognises the unique experiences and transferrable skills that veterans bring into CDW. Our mission is to build a network that supports the ongoing transITion needs from Armed Forces and wider community into corporate roles.

AFN is a group for all coworkers, with an aim to educate and raise awareness of the differing experiences our veterans have lived and ensure that opportunities are visible for all new and current veterans within CDW.

Disability Support Network


DSN strive to show diversity within disabilITy, accepting all and acknowledging that not one person will be the same. Providing space to support individuals and the wider community of those who directly or indirectly experience disabilities in their everyday life and establish a trust between one another through collective resilience and strength.

The mission of DSN is to inspire and encourage coworkers to come forward and celebrate our differences. Through compassion and empathy, we make a difference.

United Support Network


USN unITes people, building strength in our communities and ensuring for a space where our EU National coworkers are supported within the UK. We focus on all aspects of life and drive to ensure the one CDW community ethos.

EU National coworkers, along with USN allies are committed to a positive experience and community focused environment following the removal of UK from the EU.

Life At CDW